His Glory

Warning! Do not be deceived.

Debbie Martin

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We are to always check our heart and make sure we are of light and not decieved by the evil one. Do you have the fruit of the spirit? We need the Holy spirit to be truly saved. We muct be born again to enter heaven. The enemy has many fooled that they are saved yet still have one foot in the world and one in the church.  Some, are completely in the world and believe you just have to believe Jesus is the true Christ. Remember, even the demons know that Jesus is the true messiah. It's more than just knowing, you must be born of the spirit and cleaned by his blood.  Check your life and your heart, are you truly walking in the bllood of Christ? Today is a new day to pray to the Most High and ask where you stand.  Jesus is coming soon, let's be ready for his return!
Matthew 24;44-51
Hebrews 2
Luke 21;8-36
romans 8;14