His Glory

Love God with all your heart.

Debbie Martin

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Mark 12;30 Love God with all your heart . God is wanting his people to want a relationship with him. He's calling to those to seek him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.  Allowing Jesus to come in and heal those wounds that keep us bound. We are all walking in this life with hurt and sorrow from our past. Jesus wants to heal those hurts so you can walk in the fullness he has for you.  
He calls us to Love ourselves so we can love others. How can you love another when you don't have any love for yourself? It's time to have self love and take care of yourself so you can love your neighbor as yourself.  God wants us to be the best version of ourselves so we can extend that to others.  God can help you with all this. We just have to come to the end of ourselves to obtain it. 
God bless and stay strong.